Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Job and Stupid Rules

3 weeks after finishing basic training I was put into a position. After switching out of the Air Force since they didn't have any suitable jobs for me I went for several interviews and shrink evaluations before being put into a position in the West Bank next to Ramallah. I am in מתפ"ש and which is a political unit based in the West Bank. I am in a Palestinian affairs division dealing with international organizations such as the Red Cross and the United Nations. It's a very interesting job and I figure worst case scenario since I have a political science degree this position is sort of like an unpaid behind the scenes internship....with housing expenses paid... and hella stupid rules.

Speaking of hella stupid rules it never ceases to amaze me the illogical way the army seems to function. I have a bit of a language barrier so I often don't understand what is going on, but even when I do understand the words I often feel that I have misheard as what is being said seems just too retarded to be true.

Example #1: Everybody used to have a board under their two mattresses so their backs wouldn't be poked by the springs on the beds, however now some officer dude has decreed that we are only allowed one thin mattress and no board. In order to sleep comfortably at night we have to go to the doctor, complain of back problems and get a mattress permit. One can also get a permit to have a beard, wear comfortable shoes, not run, or carry heavy things. People without any problems whatsoever can get random permits for things ... and I fully I plan on doing for the bed. Why bother taking away things in the first place if anybody can get permission?Why torture your poor little soldiers Mr. Officer?

Example #2: They randomly took away the panini toast makers... I really didn't get an explanation on this one.... perhaps they were causing too many smiles.

Example #3: My friend is in basic training for boys which is serious basic training compared to the girls which a friend compared to summer camp. He had woken up at the ass crack of dawn and was trying to enjoy the one luxury in the morning, hot tea. However the pitcher for the tea was a 'meat dish' and the meal was dairy so the rabbi forced him to pour the tea into the trash. Way to promote Judaism in a positive way.

1 comment:

  1. You're starting to sound like me. Well, not really STARTING, but...
